Historic McCarthy Senate Hearings Published
Below are the five volumes of Executive Sessions of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations. This committee was chaired by Senator Joseph McCarthy. Closed by Senate rules for fifty years these hearings are now available to researchers and the public. This five volume collection is in PDF format. Volumes 1-4 cover hearings that took place in 1953. Volume Five covers hearings that took place in 1954. Additionally, Volume One includes a very important introduction.
I have placed these volumes here because of the Senate website is so poorly designed that these historic records are difficult to find. They changed the construction of the URL and did not redirect the old URL. Additionally, the current URL is too long to place in a footnote on small screen devices; not to mention a PDF or Word document.
These documents are in the public domain and therefore are not subject to copyright. The Chicago Manual of style citation is below.
Executive Sessions of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations of the Committee on Government Operations, 83rd Congress, First Session, 1953, Vol 1: XXII (Made Public 2003) https://keegan.wiki/sources/mexs.htmThe volume number, page number, Congressional session, and year will change. The URL will not change.